What's Next? PART TWO

The Steam page and trailer have been up for nearly a month now, so it’s about time for another update! You might be wondering how far the game has progressed past the demo.

Right now, the next floor in the rightmost path is about 80% done, and the next floor in the middle path is about 70% done. What’s really left for me to do is more editing, playtest them both to hell and back, and incorporate VA. I’m a bit farther in the editing process of the rightmost path, so that one will be done first! 80% might sound like it’s right around the corner, but incorporating VA alone adds at least another month and a half, since I need to make sure the VA portions of the script are finalized, create the VA documents with voice direction, give the VAs a reasonable amount of time to finish the lines, then balance all the audio.

Once the next floor is finished, I’d like to make the updates available for people to check out, for a small fee since the full game will be commercial. Right now, I’m thinking about either Patreon or Kofi, but let me know if you have a preference!

In the meantime, I’ll keep making updates in the devlog here as the game progresses. As a final treat, here’s one screenshot from the next floor! 

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Awesome :)


Eyyy nice, enjoyed the demo so keen to see how this here progresses.


ooohhhh. I'm really interested in getting to play more, especially if I can promote it here and there.